New Phone !!!???!!!!
Well, I guess I post a lot of rather esoteric stuff here, so I figured I'd write a bit about my life here. Right now I'm waiting on the delivery of my new phone. "Great!" you may say, but here's the story:Friday night Brooke and I went to see March of the Penguins, I also found out that Jillian has given up the ghost as it were and decided to move back to LA from L.A. Although this is sad times, a horrible incident was even sadder. As we were going up the escalator some threw something at me, knocking my phone out of my hand (or I just dropped it, I'm not sure which). I had to scramble to keep it from getting crushed.
Well the next morning I tried to use my phone and it was a no go. I'd used all my skillz to try and fix it (meaning I repeatedly took the battery out and put it back in, then tried to turn the phone on). Well, I went online and reported mine broken (I have the insurance) and I'm supposed to get it today. The funny thing is that AFTER I filled out all the forms, I put the phone back together and IT STARTED WORKING. Well, I couldn't stop the shipment and I'll have to pay some surcharge, but a new version of my old phone should be here within the hour.
Ok, so it's not a new house like Josh, but I'll take what I can ;)
I thought it was pretty cool. Apparently life in Antarctica is pretty harsh, though (who knew???), so some of it is kind of sad. Not all the little penguins make it, but they do a good job of changing pace so you don't get too depressed.
OH NO!!!!! Why did you even rescue it? You could've let it get trapped and then sued the theatre...but no!
I'm sorry! Super Sucksville!
- Brooke
(ps. you should introduce me to your 14 million friends... i love to network)
Tell me about it, Brooke. We gotta start making this town work for us! I say our options now are:
1. Funny-as-hell Spec Script
2. Funnier-than-hell podcast.
3. Sue the movie theater in some madcap insurance scam.
We'll have to do all three of these things before I move, which could be any month now!
Yeah, I think we would have done voice overs, too, but even though there weren't a ton of people in the theater they all sat right by us. Also, Brooke wondered aloud how Samuel Jackson had failed to work his way into the Harry Potter movies and it was all I could do to keep from busting out laughing for the first 30 minutes of the movie.
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