Thursday, March 24, 2005

Eddie Gibbs Interview with Christianity Today

Here's a link to an interview with Eddie Gibbs. I think his work will be helpful for our continued discussion. Click the title above to read the whole thing. Here's a sample:

So what must churches do?

A good man said many years ago, pagans out of a secular world don't come ready-laundered.
You do need a strong, disciplined core. One of our problems is we have so many church members who are not disciplined. You need a core of people that are serious about living out the life of Christ, just as the Methodist class system in the 18th century.
When we invite others to join us, it is an invitation to join us on our journey because discipleship is a lifelong learning experience. There should be a reciprocal dynamic at work. As we get to know those who are coming out of a dysfunctional, destructive lifestyle, it should be with the sensitivity to the leading of the Spirit, but not the dumping of our own moral agenda to address those issues.
So we ourselves are being challenged. And I sometimes ask the students at Fuller this question: When Peter went into the home of Cornelius, the centurion, who was converted? Both of them came out of that meeting changed.


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